The monasteries about...
the  Psalms

On this page, some of the Congregation's monasteries share thoughts about the Psalms

Sister Myrese  (president of the EBCR)

About my favorite psalm: I have to say, I have not only one favorite 😉… but ok, I give you one of my favorites !

 I like to pray Psalm 132 (133) : How good and how pleasant it is when brothers (and sisters 😊) live in unity.  When we are so in unity in our life we may experience the presence of our God (cf Mt 18,20 : For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them).

God is Trinity in Unity and the book of Genesis says : God created mankind in his image; in the image of God he created them (Gn 1,27). Living in unity allows us to live in the depths of our human being, allows us to live in the heart of God himself.

And as the psalm sing: for there the Lord bestows his blessing: life forever.  What is more desirable than to live surrounded by God’s blessing? Was this not the focus of Jesus’ own prayer at the Last Supper (Joh 17)? Is it not our deepest wish in this time of war and violence?

Yes, let us experience How good and how pleasant it is when brothers and sisters live in unity.


(nb: the translation of the psalm used here is taken from the Revised Grail psalter, Conception Abbey 2010;

the other quotations of the Bible come from Books of the Bible | USCCB)

Sisters and Brothers Benedictines of Egmond